Archive for the tag: Arthritis

How to reduce arthritis swelling | Arthritis exercises | Joint pain relief | Arthritis treatment

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Arthritis can affect people of all ages, but natural remedies can help manage pain and enhance quality of life.

1. Stretches and Mobility: Regular stretches and staying active are crucial. Walking keeps joints flexible; avoid prolonged sitting.
2. Yogic Practices: Start with Sahajbhavasana and gentle warm-up stretches. Progress to asanas like Yashtikasana, Pavanmuktasana, Bhujangasana, and others to reduce pain and improve strength.
3. Pranayama: Daily practice of Yogendra Pranayama IV or Abdominal Breathing calms the mind, reduces stress, and alleviates arthritis pain.
4. Stress Management: Stress aggravates arthritis symptoms. Practice relaxation techniques like Shavasana and Nispanda Bhava daily to maintain calm.
5. Dietary Tips: Adopt a light vegetarian diet with detoxifying foods like garlic, ginger, and long pepper to prevent bone changes associated with arthritis. Include drumsticks and bitter gourd for their beneficial nutrients.
6. Warmth Therapy: Keep joints warm with hot-water bags. Sunlight exposure boosts vitamin D levels crucial for bone health.
7. Hydration: Drink warm water throughout the day to improve digestion and joint flexibility.

Incorporate these remedies into daily life for a noticeable improvement in arthritis pain over time. Stay active, eat well, and maintain a positive outlook for overall well-being.

00:01 Introduction
00:50 Asanas
1:30 Pranayama
1:55 Stress
2:20 Diet
3:25 Warmth
4:00 Conclusion

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What to do for arthritis hip pain relief

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ABC News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jen Ashton answers your health questions and shares her daily prescription for wellness.

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Natural arthritis pain remedies

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ABC News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jen Ashton answers question about B12 vitamin shots and shares natural treatments to reduce arthritis pain.

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Stiffness in Fingers in the morning| Arthritis Homeopathic Treatment – Dr. Vindoo C| Doctors' Circle

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Subscribe to – World’s Largest Health Platform दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा हेल्थ प्लेटफार्म Know Your Doctor
Dr Vindoo C | Phone 📞: 09148847711 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) | Chief Homeopathic Consultant| Nation Care Homeo Clinic, HSR layout, Bangalore, India
Arthritis once again one of the most common complaint that we see nowadays irrespective of the age because once upon a time when a person complains about a knee pain or back pain we usually see the age category as above 50s but nowadays we also see at very younger age to people have been suffering with the back pain or the knee pain or various joints pain. What’s happening is this joints pain are being taken for granted because it’s not on a daily basis you might be suffering with the pain with the lot of busy life schedule you end up getting early morning stiffness which you feel is normal again but gradually what happens is when these complaints starts at your 20s by the time you’re into your 30s there is an erosion happening. What is Arthritis? Arthritis is arthra means joint itis means inflammation. So anything that’s happening to your joint if whether it is the erosion of the cartilage, cartilage is a cushioning factor that covers the joint that covers the bone and it also includes the reduction in the synovial fluid which is again happening at the very early age. So any changes happening towards these kinds of things like the cartilage or the synovial fluid you get to see arthritis. At Nation Care Homeo Clinic we need to figure out what exactly is the reason for the person’s stiffness or the pain or the arthritis because there is more than 100 varieties of arthritis like Rheumatic arthritis, Psoriatic arthritis which is like secondary arthritis. Primary arthritis like Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Gouty arthritis. So we need to figure out what exactly is the reason that’s causing him pain in the joints. After we get to know the reason certainly the individualistic approach the constitutional treatment methodology will help us to treat you and get rid of this arthritis. We being mobile is very important because psychologically we being independent doing all our physical activities on our own is very important whether the person is in early age or at the later ages like even in 80s. So if you notice any kind of these symptoms certainly we are here to help you out at any stage of your complaints. Many arthritis would have also been advised for surgeries so before confirming or before going to surgery please do take a second opinion and please do inquire at Nation Care Homeo Clinic whether it is treatable or not. We will give you the correct guidance and will give you the correct opinion if it is really treatable without treatment you can also get rid of all these complaints. Thank you.
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Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describes the condition of osteoarthritis of the fingers – Heberden’s nodes.

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Arthritis Profile Test | Blood Test To Diagnose Rheumatoid Arthritis |

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The Arthritis Profile Test is a diagnostic test that assesses your joint health and helps identify different types of arthritis.

It is a comprehensive panel of blood tests that analyzes various markers related to inflammation, autoimmune responses, and joint function.

Following u will find 6 commonly used tests that help help doctors diagnose rheumatoid arthritis….these have been individually detailed in separate videos

1. Rheumatoid factor test

An RF test measures the level of RF proteins in your bloodstream.

High levels of rheumatoid factors often point to rheumatoid arthritis

2. CCP antibodies test

The test looks for the presence of CCP antibodies to help confirm rheumatoid arthritis.

Between 60 and 80 percent of people with rheumatoid arthritis have CCP antibodies in their blood

3. Antinuclear antibody (ANA) test

ANA testing looks for the presence of ANAs and can help confirm a rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis

4. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) test

An ESR) test evaluates how much inflammation is present in your body.

Low ESR levels indicate low levels of inflammation while high ESR results indicate high levels of inflammation….so high level is indicative of rheumatoid arthritis but the test is not diagnostic….

5.. C-reactive protein (CRP) test

A CRP test measures CRP and indicates the presence of inflammation.

RA, can result in high levels of CRP in your bloodstream.

Similar to an ESR test, a CRP test can’t confirm RA on its own.
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Arthritis Of The Fingers – Everything You Need To Know – Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

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Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describes the conditions of arthritis of the fingers

Arthritis of the Fingers
Diagnosing arthritis of the fingers can be difficult. Arthritis can affect any joint in the body but it is commonly seen in the joints of the fingers. The different types of arthritis and the pattern of joint involvement include osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gouty arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis. Heberden’s nodes are hard or bony swellings that can develop in the distal interphalangeal joints (DIP) and may or may not be painful. Heberden’s nodes are caused by the formation of osteophytes due to repeated trauma at the joint and usually occurs during middle age. Bouchard’s nodes are bony growths that can form on the proximal interphalangeal joints of the finger (PIP). Bouchard’s nodes, like Heberden’s nodes, may or may not be painful. Bouchard’s nodes are typically associated with limited motion of the affected joint. Mucous cysts are small, fluid-filled sacs that form between the DIP joint of the finger and the bottom of the fingernail. The best treatment is surgical excision of the cyst and removal of the underlying osteophyte to decrease the risk of recurrence. It is an anti-inflammatory form of arthritis, and it is sometimes mistaken for osteoarthritis. Dactylitis is also referred to as “sausage digit”. It is inflammation of the entire digit. Sausage fingers is a major finding of psoriatic arthritis. Nail pitting is small depressions in the finger nails, and it is most common in people who have psoriasis. Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis that is sometimes called “gouty arthritis”. Gouty arthritis will mimic infection and may develop in people who have high levels of uric acid in the blood. The uric acid can form needle like crystals in the joint and cause pain, tenderness, swelling, and tenosynovitis. Periarticular erosions seen on x-ray may also be present with gout of the finger joints. Periarticular erosions are usually multiple and bilateral with sclerotic borders. In juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, it is ANA positive in 30% of the time. Rheumatoid factor is negative in a child and later on it may become positive, and there is shortened digits. Polyarticular rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) is a form of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis that affects five or more joints; it is polyarticular in about 30%. Pauciarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a form of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis that affects less than five joints; it is pauciarticular in about 50%. In pauciarticular onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis, check the iris of the eye for iridocyclitis. In polyarticular rheumatoid arthritis, check cervical spine for subaxial instability. Rheumatoid arthritis of the hand occurs more in females than in males. Rheumatoid arthritis has spontaneous remissions and exacerbations. The disease can have a systemic nature. Rheumatoid arthritis is typically poly-articular, bilateral and symmetrical, and most commonly affects the hands and feet. The patient complains of pain and stiffness of the joints, especially in the morning (morning stiffness). X-rays show periarticular erosions at the time of diagnosis. Osteopenia and minimal osteophyte formation favor the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. Early (acute) rheumatoid arthritis has symptoms of hot, swollen, tender joints (synovitis). Complicated rheumatoid arthritis has symptoms of digital vasculitis, ecchymosis, skin atrophy, and nodules. Advanced rheumatoid arthritis has symptoms of swelling of the MCP joint, lateral slippage of extensor tendons and tendon ruptures, ulnar deviation of fingers, and x-ray shows destruction of the MCP joints with subluxation, ulnar deviation, and wrist destruction. Finger deformities include mallet finger, boutonniere, and swan neck. The thumb is also involved. These changes occur due to proliferation, inflammation and hypertrophy of the synovium. Involvement of the distal radioulnar joint is usually associated with rupture of the extensor digiti minimi.

0:00 Introduction
0:07 Arthritis of the Fingers
0:47 Osteoarthritis
2:03 Psoriatic Arthritis
2:44 Gouty Arthritis
3:33 Rheumatoid Arthritis
5:52 Rheumatoid Manifestations in the Hand
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🔥7 WORST Foods for Arthritis & Joint Pain | Arthritis Foods to Avoid | Rheumatoid Arthritis

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Arthritis Foods to Avoid | Rheumatoid Arthritis | Joint pain | worst foods for arthritis | worst food for rheumatoid arthritis

0:00 Why food is important in Arthritis
0:43 Inflammatory Fats
2:36 Added Sugar
3:01 Nightshades for Arthritis patient
3:46 Foods High in AGEs
4:56 Gluten containing foods
5:36 Purine rich foods
6:15 High-salt foods

Foods play an important role in arthritis because they can either help reduce inflammation and manage symptoms, or exacerbate inflammation and make symptoms worse. Arthritis is a chronic condition characterized by inflammation of the joints, and certain foods can either promote or reduce inflammation in the body, which can affect arthritis symptoms.

If you have arthritis or joint pain, then you should avoid these foods that can aggravate inflammation and joint pain.

1. Inflammatory fats.

Several types of fat increase inflammation in the body.

Several oils, such as corn, safflower, sunflower, and vegetable, contain high levels of omega six fatty acids. Omega-6 fatty acids are not harmful in moderation, but excessive consumption can aggravate joint pain.

In the video we have share few foods which contains high saturated fats and should be avoided.

2. Full-fat dairy products, such as whole milk, butter, and cheese
Tropical oils, such as coconut oil and palm oil

In the video we have share few foods and dairy product which contains high saturated fats and should be avoided.

3. Added sugar:

Many products contain added sugars. So, always check food labels of breakfast cereals, sauces, and soft drinks, as these may contain surprising amounts of added sugars.

4. Nightshades:

Nightshades are a group of vegetables that contain the compound solanine. It is a natural toxic compound that acts as a natural pesticide, protecting these plants from insects, fungi, and other threats.

Different studies have different opinion about the nightshade vegetables. Some say it can trigger inflammation, but others say it can actually reduce inflammation.

So, what to do? Watch our video to know more on this.

5. High AGE foods:

Advanced glycation end products or AGEs are molecules, created through reactions between sugars and proteins or fats. They naturally exist in uncooked animal foods and are formed through certain cooking methods.

We have discussed in detail about high AGEs foods in our video.

6. Gluten containing foods.

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley, and it is known to trigger an immune response in individuals with celiac disease. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease. Rheumatoid arthritis is also an autoimmune disease.

It Is seen that gluten containing foods can aggravate inflammation and joint pain in rheumatoid arthritis.

But, if you have osteoarthritis then you probably don’t have to worry about that. Watch our video to know more on this.

7. High-salt foods.

Excessive salt, or sodium, intake may increase the risk of developing autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid arthritis. It may also worsen the symptoms.

People should keep their sodium intake below 2,300 milligrams per day which is about 1 teaspoon of salt.

If you have arthritis, a healthy diet and lifestyle may help improve your symptoms.
Keep in mind that lifestyle factors like your activity level, body weight, and smoking status are also vital to managing arthritis.

Hope you find our video helpful. Don’t forget to subscribe the channel.


Medical disclaimer: Medinaz Academy does not provide medical advice. The content available in our books and videos, on our website, or on our social media handles do not provide a diagnosis or other recommendation for treatment and are not a substitute for the professional judgment of a healthcare professional in diagnosis and treatment of any person or animal. We intend to provide educational information only. The determination of the need for medical services and the types of healthcare to be provided to a patient are decisions that should be made only by a physician or other licensed health care provider. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition.

How is Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosed? | Johns Hopkins Rheumatology

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Sitting down and listening to a patient’s story is the first step in diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis. While swollen joints are a large indicator of Rheumatoid Arthritis, there are many other symptoms, such as fatigue, anxiety and depression, and stiffness. Doctors are diagnosing Rheumatoid Arthritis much earlier now, to prevent joint damage and begin treatment as soon as possible.

We would like to thank Abbvie, Inc. and Gilead Sciences, Inc. for their contribution to this program through unrestricted grants.
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Osteoarthritis treatment | Osteoarthritis Home Remedies | Arthritis Treatment | Joint Pain Treatment

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Osteoarthritis treatment | Osteoarthritis Home Remedies | Arthritis Treatment | Joint Pain Treatment | OA treatment | OA signs & symptoms

Here we have discussed some Home remedies for osteoarthritis.

Hot & Cold Compress:
When it comes to pain, hot and cold compresses may be very beneficial. Compresses can reduce muscle pain or spasms surrounding a joint.
Making a compress can be as simple as using a warm or cold towel.

Epsom salt baths:
Epsom salt baths can provide all-over relief, especially for joint pain. The

Osteoarthritis-friendly foods:
Glucosamine and chondroitin are one of the most popular nutritional supplements.

Avocado-soybean unsaponifiables. This nutritional supplement which is used in Europe to treat knee and hip osteoarthritis. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, and some studies have shown that it can slow or even prevent joint damage.

Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish and fish oil supplements, might help relieve pain and improve function.

Maintaining a moderate weight.
Carrying extra weight increases the stress on your weight-bearing joints, such as your knees and your hips. Even minor weight loss can relieve some pressure and reduce your pain. Talk to a dietitian about healthy ways to lose weight.

Physical therapy and Occupational therapy
A physical therapist can show you exercises to strengthen the muscles around your joint, increase your flexibility and reduce pain.

Occupational therapist can help you discover ways to do everyday tasks without putting an extra stress on your already painful joint.

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Medical disclaimer: Medinaz Academy does not provide medical advice. The content available in our books and videos, on our website, or on our social media handles do not provide a diagnosis or other recommendation for treatment and are not a substitute for the professional judgment of a healthcare professional in diagnosis and treatment of any person or animal. We intend to provide educational information only. The determination of the need for medical services and the types of healthcare to be provided to a patient are decisions that should be made only by a physician or other licensed health care provider. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition.

Ask The Rheumatologist: Which Tests Should You Do to Diagnose Rheumatoid Arthritis?

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Ask the Rheumatologist!
We have the answers to questions you ask. For more, visit Ask the Rheumatologist on our website,, or watch some of our other videos.

In this video, we explain how rheumatoid arthritis is diagnosed, and which tests, including x-rays and blood work, may be helpful to diagnose RA (Hint: Not Many!).
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Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describes test for evaluation of knee injuries and all the maneuvers you need to know to preform an excellent knee examination.

McMurray’s test is a knee examination test that elicits pain or a painful click as the knee is brought from flexion to extension with either internal or external rotation. The McMurray’s test uses the tibia to trap the meniscus between the femoral condyle and the tibia.
When performing the McMurray’s test, the patient should be lying supine with the knee flexed. The examiner grasps the patient’s heel with one hand and places the other hand over the knee joint. To test the medial meniscus, the knee is fully flexed and the examiner then passively externally rotates the tibia and places a valgus force. The knee is then extended in order to test the medial meniscus. to tests the lateral meniscus, the examiner passively internally rotates the tibia and places a varus force. The knee is then extended in order to test the lateral meniscus. A positive test is indicated by pain, clicking or popping within the joint and may signal a tear of either the medial or lateral meniscus when the knee is brought from flexion to extension.
Lachman’s test is the most sensitive and best test for examining an ACL injury. The patient should be lying supine and completely relaxed. Make sure that the patient’s hip, quadriceps and hamstring muscles are all relaxed. Bend the knee to about 20-30°. Stabilize the femur with one hand and with the other hand, pull the tibia anteriorly and posteriorly against the femur. With an intact ACL as the tibia is pulled forward the examiner should feel an endpoint. If the ACL is ruptured, the ACL will be lax and the examination will feel softer with no endpoint. The tibia can be pulled forward more than normal (anterior translation).
Both the Lachman’s test and the Pivot shift test are associated with 20-30°s of knee flexion. The Lachman’s test starts at 20-30 ° of flexion. With the Pivot shift test you feel the clunk at 20-30°s of flexion. 20-30°s of flexion is important for examination of the ACL (remember that). The patient should be lying supine. Make sure the patient is totally relaxed. With pivot shift, the knee is in the subluxed position and the knee is in full extension. The pivot shift starts with extension of the knee and you can feel the clunk at 20-30° of flexion. Hold the knee in full extension then add valgus force plus internal rotation of the tibia to increase the rotational instability of the knee. Then take the knee into flexion. A palpable clunk is very specific of an ACL tear. the iliotibial band will reduce the tibia and create the clunk on the outside of the knee. Always compare with the other side.
The reverse pivot shift test helps to diagnose acute or chronic posterolateral instability of the knee. A significantly positive reverse pivot shift test suggests that the PCL, the LCL, the arcuate complex and the popliteofibular ligament are all torn.
The reverse pivot shift test begins with the patient supine with the knee in 90° flexion. Valgus stress is then applied to the knee with an external rotation force. Bring the knee from 90°s of flexion to full extension. The tibia reduces from a posterior subluxed position at about 20°s of flexion. A shift and reduction of the lateral tibial plateau can be felt as it moves anteriorly from a posteriorly subluxed position. A clunk occurs as the knee is extended. This is called reverse pivot shift because shift of the lateral tibial plateau occurs in the opposite direction of the true pivot shift (Seen in ACL tears). If the tibia is posterolaterally subluxed, the iliotibial band will reduce the knee as the IT band transitions form a flexor to extensor of the knee. It is very important to compare this tests to the contralateral knee. Pivot shift = ACL tear
The test is done with the patient in supine position and the knee is flexed to 90°. The examiner stabilizes the foot. Next the examiner pushes backward on the tibia, looking for the tibia to sag posteriorly. Observer the sag that develops due to tear of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). The amount of translation in relationship to the femur is observed. The test is considered positive if excessive posterior translation of the tibia is demonstrated.

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Song Title: Every Step
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