Archive for the tag: Disease

Heart disease is on the rise in young Malaysians

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Find out how awareness, early detection and adopting a healthier lifestyle are crucial for preventing heart-related health issues in young adults.

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KIDNEY (Renal) DISEASE SIGNS, SYMPTOMS and DIAGNOSIS – Tagalog Health | Nurse Dianne

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Topic: How to know if you have kidney (renal) disease. What are the signs and symptoms of kidney disease? How is a kidney disease diagnosed?

Nag-aalala ka ba na baka may sakit ka sa bato? Alam mo ba ang mga sintomas ng sakit sa kidneys? Pag-usapan po natin yan. Ako po si Nurse Dianne ang inyong host dito sa @tagaloghealthtalks
#nursedianne #tagaloghealthtalks #tagaloghealthtips

0:00 Intro
1:27 Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) diagnostic test for kidney disease
2:23 Common signs and symptoms of kidney disease
9:26 Bottom line of our tagalog health tips on the signs and symptoms of kidney (renal disease)

📚 References:
1. National Library of Medicine. (2018). Chronic kidney disease: Overview. Accessed from
2. Vaidya, S.R. and Aeddula, N.R. (2022). Chronic renal failure. Accessed from
3. American Heart Association. (2021). Kidney Disease and Diabetes. Accessed from–diabetes
4. American Heart Association. (2017). Know Your Risk Factors for High Blood Pressure. Accessed from
5. Scott, D. (2016). Slowing Kidney Disease. American Association of Kidney Patients. Accessed from
6. Goldman, L. and Schafer, AI. (2012). Goldman’s Cecil Medicine. Elsevier.
7. Mahon, A.; Jenkins, K.; and Burnapp, L. (2013). Oxford Handbook of Renal Nursing. Oxford University Press.
8. National Kidney Foundation. (2020). 10 Signs You May Have Kidney Disease. Accessed from

🏆 Layunin po ng Tagalog Health Talks ang mapataas ang health literacy ng ating mga kababayang Pilipino (tagalog health videos for health promotion and disease prevention).
“Nursing practice involves four areas: promoting health and wellness, preventing illness, restoring health, and caring for the dying.” – Berman, Snyder, & Frandsen, 2022 (From the Book Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing. Concepts, Process, and Practice. Eleventh Edition. Pearson Education Limited.)

❗ Disclaimer:
Ang amin pong mga videos ay for general information lamang at hindi substitute sa payo ng inyong doktor. Kumonsulta sa inyong doktor sapag kinakailangan po ang personal health assessment para sa tama at wastong gamutan.

❗Additional reminders
We are not recommending any products in this video. Please consult your doctor before using any form of medication, including supplements (vitamins, minerals, herbal preparations and others).

What treatments are prescribed to manage PH and connective tissue disease?

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Stephen Mathai, M.D., M.H.S, discusses the importance of working with your health care team when treating pulmonary hypertension (PH) and connective tissue disease. Dr. Mathai gives an overview of considerations that should be evaluated when making treatment decisions for patients with connective tissue diseases and pulmonary hypertension. PHA thanks Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. for its Diamond sponsorship of the PHA Connects fund, which sponsors patient education programming.

Henoch-Schonlein purpura | Circulatory System and Disease | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

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Henoch-Schonlein purpura | Circulatory System and Disease | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

Henoch-Schonlein purpura (also known as anaphylactoid purpura) is a type of vasculitis that affects small blood vessels and characterized by elevated immunoglobulin A (IgA). Symptoms of this disease include skin lesions, joint pain, blood in urine (hematuria), and abdominal pain. Health professionals diagnosis Henoch-Schonlein purpura through blood tests (elevated IgA). This disease is often treated with steroids. Created by Ian Mannarino.

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What Causes Migraine Disease? 5 Factors in Migraine Neurobiology

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Help the Association of Migraine Disorders improve the lives of people living with migraine by donating to research at

A detailed, audio visual look at the current understanding of migraine pathophysiology using state-of-the-art graphics and the most current information available. Includes an explanation of new theories in the impact of sex hormones, why migraine mimics sinusitis and the evolution of migraine into a chronic disease.

If you support improved access to the best and safest treatments, let your voice be heard. Sign your name to a petition urging healthcare payors to provide better access to migraine treatments. Help us reach 50,000 signatures by December 31, 2020. Sign at

Go to our website to learn more. You can sign up for our monthly newsletter there too!
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*The contents of this podcast/video are intended for general informational purposes only and do not constitute medical or legal advice; the content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The Association of Migraine Disorders does not recommend or endorse any specific course of treatment, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned. Reliance on any information provided by this content is solely at your own risk.