AWESOME game from Man United And Arsenal! I was torn who i was rooting for! Tobin and Christen have my heart but I love the Arsenal squad so much!! IT was a great match and i was happy to see Man United win!!!

There was a lot of Preath Action in the game.. Not necessarily together but The camera work Had A bunch of close ups of Tobin and Christen! it was Awesome! i so just put some together! The camera work was awesome!!!
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10 Worst Gaming Injuries

Worst possible GAMING Injury YOU could ever get! From Nintendo wii’s dislocating your shoulder, slouching your shoulders, playstation thumb, pokemon go fails, carpel tunnel, eye injuries, and wasd!

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Are video games dangerous? Well, if you know about all the injuries that can occur from them, you may agree that they are! Over the years, everything from Atari to the Wii have caused all kinds of injuries.

One of the most common? Hand injuries. Overuse of Sony or Xbox controllers could result in pretty crazy injuries. Then there’s the injuries that occur when playing virtual games. Yep, we’re talking about the plethora of injuries that occurred due to playing the game Pokemon Go. Virtual headsets are not so innocent either. Plus, if you’re an old-school gamer, we’ve got some pretty surprising injury stories to guide you through. Besides the actual consoles, you cannot take your pets for granted, especially while you live-stream your gaming action online.

So come and join us at The Gamer to find out about these injuries, how they occur, and ways you can avoid them yourself!



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